Instructions for authors

1) Manuscript Submission

We require that all submissions be made by sending an email to and with the manuscript file attached in Word format.

Please include your name, institutional affiliation, contact information, and the title of your paper in your message. All submissions will be acknowledged by email, and all subsequent correspondence regarding the manuscript will be sent via email.


2) Format of manuscripts

Manuscripts may be submitted in a limited range of standard formats: doc. and docx.

The text file should be presented in the following order:

  1. A short informative title that contains the major key words. The title should not contain
  2. A short running title of less than 40 characters;
  3. Abstract and keywords;
  4. Main text;
  5. Literature Cited

Please provide an abstract of 200 words or fewer containing the major keywords summarizing the article.


3) Manuscripts quality

Typescripts must be carefully proof-read prior to submission so that referees do not have their time wasted in identifying and listing errors. The most common authorial error consists in failing to reconcile in-text citations with the final bibliography.