We invite submissions for the March/April, August/September, and December/January issues of our journal, founded in 2019 through a collaboration between the Dominican Vice Province of Southern Africa and DOMUNI University, France ( This journal focuses on presenting African philosophy in contemporary forms that address Africa's current needs. We welcome contributions that not only affirm African philosophical discourse but also creatively
shape its future. African philosophy has the potential to enhance the continent's well-being through a reflective examination of our past and present, guiding us toward new directions.
Our goal is to enhance the continent's well-being through a reflective examination of our past and present, guiding us toward new directions. We advocate for the relevance of philosophy in everyday life, encouraging scholarship that connects theoretical insights with practical implications.
Dr Isaac Mutelo, Editor-in-Chief
Journal of Contemporary African Philosophy
5 Leinster Road, Scottsville, Pietermaritzburg, 3201
P.O. Box 100 150, Scottsville, 3209
KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Tel: [033] 345 2241 Fax: [033] 345 2246
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